Over 11,000 years ago there existed an island nation located in the middle of the Atlantic ocean populated by a noble and powerful race. The people of this land possessed great wealth thanks to the natural resources found throughout their island. The island was a center for trade and commerce. The rulers of this land held sway over the people and land of their own island and well into Europe and Africa.
This was the island of Atlantis.
Atlantis was the domain of Poseidon, god of the sea. When Poseidon fell in love with a mortal woman, Cleito, he created a dwelling at the top of a hill near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of water and land to protect her.
Cleito gave birth to five sets of twin boys who became the first rulers of Atlantis. The island was divided among the brothers with the eldest, Atlas, first King of Atlantis, being given control over the central hill and surrounding areas.
At the top of the central hill, a temple was built to honor Poseidon which housed a giant gold statue of Poseidon riding a chariot pulled by winged horses. It was here that the rulers of Atlantis would come to discuss laws, pass judgments, and pay tribute to Poseidon..
To facilitate travel and trade, a water canal was cut through of the rings of land and water running south for 5.5 miles (~9 km) to the sea.
The city of Atlantis sat just outside the outer ring of water and spread across the plain covering a circle of 11 miles (1.7 km). This was a densely populated area where the majority of the population lived.
Beyond the city lay a fertile plain 330 miles (530 km) long and 110 miles (190 km) wide surrounded by another canal used to collect water from the rivers and streams of the mountains. The climate was such that two harvests were possible each year. One in the winter fed by the rains and one in the summer fed by irrigation from the canal.
Surrounding the plain to the north were mountains which soared to the skies. Villages, lakes, rivers, and meadows dotted the mountains.
Besides the harvests, the island provided all kinds of herbs, fruits, and nuts. An abundance of animals, including elephants, roamed the island.
For generations the Atlanteans lived simple, virtuous lives. But slowly they began to change. Greed and power began to corrupt them. When Zeus saw the immorality of the Atlanteans he gathered the other gods to determine a suitable punishment.
Soon, in one violent surge it was gone. The island of Atlantis, its people, and its memory were swallowed by the sea.
This is a summary of the story told by Plato around 360 BC in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias. These writings of Plato are the only specific known references to Atlantis. They have prompted controversy and debate for over two thousand years.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Thursday, March 29, 2007 ::

Greek philosopher - 427-347 B.C.
Note: Dates are approximate, there is some uncertainty as to his birth and death
Plato was a student of Socrates until the latter's death in 399 BC at the hands of the Athenian authorities. After his teacher's death, Plato traveled extensively, including journeys in Egypt.
In 387 BC he returned to Athens and founded the Academy, a school of science and philosophy, that became the model for the modern university. Perhaps the most famous student of the Academy was Aristotle whose teachings have had tremendous impact on philosophy through today.
Due to the Academy's safekeeping, many of Plato's works have survived. His extant writings are in the form of letters and dialogues, the most famous of which is probably The Republic. His writings cover subjects ranging from knowledge to happiness to politics to nature.
Two of his dialogues, Timeaus and Critias, hold the only known original references to the island of Atlantis.
Click here for information about sites where you can find out more about Plato and where you can obtain copies of all of his works.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Thursday, March 29, 2007 ::
Atlantis: Timaeus and Critias
Timaeus and Critias, two of Plato's dialogues, are the only existing written records which specifically refer to Atlantis. The dialogues are conversations between Socrates, Hermocrates, Timeaus, and Critias. Apparently in response to a prior talk by Socrates about ideal societies, Timeaus and Critias agree to entertain Socrates with a tale that is "not a fiction but a true story." The story is about the conflict between the ancient Athenians and the Atlantians 9000 years before Plato's time. Knowledge of the distant past apparently forgotten to the Athenians of Plato's day, the story of Atlantis was conveyed to Solon by Egyptian priests. Solon passed the tale to Dropides, the great-grandfather of Critias. Critias learned of it from his grandfather also named Critias, son of Dropides.
The dialogues that follow were written by Plato some time around 360 BC and are English translations by Benjamin Jowett:
Note: The pages and paragraphs of the dialogues are a convenience created by myself. They are not a part of the originals but are intended to make load times relatively short and to make reading on computer monitors less of a strain.
Serves only as a brief introduction to Atlantis, a preface. The majority of the writing actually deals with a description of the creation of the world and explanation of natural phenomena. Page 2 is the only part of Timaeus which references and describes Atlantis.
Goto Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Provides a detailed description of the lost island and its people as well as information about the ancient Athenians.
Goto Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Cast of Characters
All of the men, except for Timaeus, who take part in or are mentioned in Timaeus and Critias are known to have actually existed in ancient Greece. Records of their lives and deeds have been recorded in other writings from the time period.
Note: There are 2 people named Critias related to the story of Atlantis and this can lead to some confusion. There is the Critias who actually takes part in the dialogues. He is the one who tells the story of Atlantis to Socrates. Then there is Critias who was the grandfather of the Critias of the dialogues. This elder Critias told the story of Atlantis to his grandson, Critias, who then conveyed the story to Socrates in the dialogues.
Those who actually take part in the dialogues:
Timaeus - there is no historical record of him. Critias - Plato's great grandfather. Socrates - Plato's mentor and teacher. He was condemned to death by authorities in Athens for "corrupting the moral of Athenian youth"; He lived from 469 to 399 BC. Hermocrates - statesman and soldier from Syracuse.
Those mentioned in the dialogues:
Solon - Athenian traveler, poet, and lawgiver who lived from approximately 638-559 BC. According to Plato it was he who learned of the story of Atlantis from an Egyptian priest. Dropides - Critias' great grandfather who was told the story of Atlantis by Solon, a distant relative and close friend. Critias - Son of Dropides and grandfather of the Critias who takes part in the dialogues. It was he who related the story of Atlantis to the Critias of the dialogues.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Thursday, March 29, 2007 ::
Atlantis: Vital Statistics
Below you'll find an outline of the details about Atlantis - the island and its people - provided by Plato in Timaeus and Critias.
From Timaeus
- Based in the Atlantic Ocean - Opposite the Pillars of Heracles* (Straits of Gibraltar)
- The Atlantic was then navigable
- Larger than Libya and Asia combined
- From Atlantis you could reach other islands and then a true continent
*Note: Throughout Atlantis literature (there have been thousands of books written on the subject) you will see references to the Pillars of Heracles and Pillars of Hercules. Heracles and Hercules are variations on the spelling and pronunciation of the same person. He was the heroic son of Zeus and Alcmene who possessed superior strength.
From Critias
Note: The unit of measurement given in translation of Timaeus and Critias is typically the stade or stadia. The conversion is:
1 stade = 607 ft or 185 meters (mile = 5280 feet so 1 stade = .11 mile)
Canal From Sea
- Canal 300' wide, 100' deep
- 50 stades from the sea was a hill where the rings of Sea and Land were built (5.5 miles)
Inner Ring
- Next ring of water was 1 stade - 600'
- Center land was 5 stades in diameter - 3000' (.5 miles)
- Surrounded on both sides by a wall covered with orichalcum
Middle Ring
- Next set of water / land rings were 2 stades in width - 1200'
- Surrounded on both sides by a wall covered with tin
Outer Ring
- Ring closest to sea and its internal land both 3 stades in width - 1800'
- Surrounded on both sides by a wall covered with brass
- Contained horse racing track
Outer Wall
- Wall which circled the outer ring at a distance of 50 stades (11 miles in diameter)
- Bridges were 100 feet wide (a sixth of a stadia)
- Walled
- Towers and gates on the bridges
- Guarded at either end
- Oblong, 3000 stadia long, 1000 stadia wide (330 miles long and 110 miles wide)
- Open to the sea on the south (where the canal exited to the sea)
- Surrounded by mountains to the north
Ditch around the Plain
- 100 feet deep
- 1 stade wide
- 10,000 stade long (surrounding the whole plain) (1100 miles long)
- Plain consisted of 10 stade square lots - 1.1 mile x 1.1 mile
- 1.1 miles = 5808 ft there we get 33,732,864 sq. ft = 774.4 acres
- acre = 43560 sq. ft or 4840 sq. yd.
- for total of 60,000
- Each lot supplied
- 1/6 of a war chariot
- 2 horses and riders
- one pair of chariot horses, a horseman, and a charioteer
- 2 heavily armed soldiers
- 2 slingers
- 3 stone shooters
- 3 javelin men
- 4 sailors (for fleet of 1200 ships)
- 5 sets of Twins - Atlas was first King
- Fruits hard to store but providing drink, food & oil
- They governed other land into Egypt and Tyrrhenia
- 2 harvests - one from winter rains - one from summer irrigation
- Orichalc, a metal unknown to Plato was mined in quantities - 2nd in value to gold
- Abundant timber, elephants, marshes, swamps, rivers, mountains, plains
- Hot and cold springs
- Stone was white, black, and yellow - stone was excavated from center island and land rings to form covered docking areas
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Thursday, March 29, 2007 ::
Where in the world is Atlantis?
Well that all depends upon which theory of Atlantis you believe.
If you think Plato was telling the truth in Timaeus and Critias then Atlantis is located somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

One of the more likely places would be around the Azores Islands. The Azores are a group of islands belonging to Portugal located about 900 miles (1500 km) west of the Portugese coast. Some people believe the islands are the mountain tops of the sunken continent of Atlantis.

(For more information about the Atlantic theory click here.)
On the other hand, if you feel that Atlantis was an exaggeration of the historical destruction of Thera and the Minoan empire, then it is found in the Aegean.

The island of Thera, also known as Santorini, is a volcanic island located due north of Crete in the Aegean Sea. Sometime around 1500 BC is was devasted by a volcanic explosion that may have contributed to the sudden downfall of the Minoan civilization.

(For more information about the Thera theory click here.)
But, if you believe Atlantis was simply a story then it was only located in the long decayed brain of Plato.

Posted by THE SAINT ::
Thursday, March 29, 2007 ::
Atlantis: Theories
- It's Fiction
- It's an exaggeration based on the fall of the Minoan civilization and the destruction of the island Thera
- It was Real
Below you'll find a brief summary of each of the theories as well as key points either for or against the theory. Although many people in each camp consider the case closed there is no definitive proof for any theory. In the case of the "It's Fiction" theory it is essentially impossible to definitively prove that it was fiction.
This is the easiest answer - Atlantis is fiction. It was made up to suit the purposes of Plato's dialogues.
- Nothing to prove. Timaeus and Critias are simply stories.
- It is stated several times within the dialogues that the story is true
- Parts about the impassable sea and the true continent on the other side of Atlantis tend to indicate a more detailed knowledge that a fictional story
Thera & The Minoan Civilization
There are some compelling similarites between the destruction of Thera and the destruction of Atlantis.....
- The island of Thera, a volcanic island, was destroyed around 1500 BC by an explosion which caused more than half of the island to sink into the sea.
- Artifacts found on the island indicate a sophisticated culture, probably part of the Minoan Civilization.
- There is evidence pointing to trade between the Minoans and Egyptians. The Egyptians would certainly have been aware of the destruction or at least the tremedous damage done to one of their trading partners.
- We'll examine this possibility in more detail in upcoming issues of Enigma.
- Proponents of this theory claim that Plato's date of 9000 years ago should really have been 900 years ago: somewhere along the line either Solon or Plato made a mistake. If the story was 900 years ago it would place Atlantis in the time frame of the Minoan civilization on Crete and Thera. Conveniently overlooked in this thinking is that in Timaeus the priest tells Solon that ancient Athens and Atlantis preceeded Egypt by a thousand years. Egypt however existed and was known to have existed since long before 1500 BC, the time of Crete and Thera. The times just don't add up unless you assume the Egyptian priest was ignorant of his own recorded history.
It Existed
- Plato says it's a true story.
- We'll examine this possibility in more detail in upcoming issues of Enigma.
- There are no other records of such a civlization existing.
- Current archaeological evidence does not support the premise that such sophisticated civilizations existed around 9000 BC anywhere in the world.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Thursday, March 29, 2007 ::
- 9000 BC - Cataclysm destroys Atlantis (based on Plato's writings)
- 1500 BC - Volcanic eruption destroys Thera and possibly brings an end to the Minoan civilization
- 360 BC - Plato writes Timaeus and Critias
- 1882 - Atlantis - The Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly is released
- 1924 - The Problem of Atlantis by Lewis Spence is released
- 1960 - A. G. Galanopoulos discoveres the ruins of ancient cities on Thera
- 1968 - The Bimini Wall is discovered
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Thursday, March 29, 2007 ::
Vitacheslav Koudriavtsev Theory
While scanning through the sci.archaeology newsgroup (see Enigma #2 or the various links pages on the site for a listing of newsgroups related to the mysterious and unexplained) I came across an announcement of a new hypothesis for Atlantis from a Russian by the name of Viatcheslav Koudriavtsev. He was offering to send his hypothesis to any interested party if they requested it by e-mail at:
The basis of his hypothesis is that Atlantis did exist, much as Plato described. However, the location was off slightly. Atlantis was not located in the middle of the Atlantic, but rather on what is now referred to as the Celtic Shelf.
The Celtic Shelf is the continental shelf surrounding much of England. This area, currently underwater, was actually above water during the last ice age, over 10,000 years ago.
If you would like his entire piece, write to the address above. It's about 43 KB and goes through quite a bit of background and analysis of the major Atlantean theories.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Thursday, March 29, 2007 ::
Since Ignatius Donnelly's "Atlantis - The Antediluvian World" came out in 1882, one of the main arguments, used by skeptics, against the existence of Atlantis has been that there is no evidence of any advanced civilization that far back in time - 9000 BC. However, practically every year new discovers are made which continue to push back the dates of the beginning of civilization. The discoveries keep showing us that ancient man was more sophisticated they previously believed.
Case in point is the "discovery" of the oldest known mummy in North America. The mummy, named the Spirit Cave man, was found on the shelves of the Nevada State Museum. Discovered in Nevada in 1940 it was originally thought to be 2000 years old. Recent radiocarbon dating has pushed its age back to 9,400 years (7,400 BC).
The most intriguing facts is that the mummy was wearing moccasins and shrouds of woven marsh plants. The weave of the shrouds indicates that it was made on a loom. If these findings turn out to be true it would mean that the there were people in North America more than 9,000 years ago with the knowledge and technology to weave cloths on looms. Such a level of sophistication again pushes back the dates of early civilization and should makes us question some long held assumptions about the primitiveness of ancient people. DNA and other tests are being undertaken.
This certainly doesn't prove the existence of Atlantis but it does push accepted science closer to the possibility.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Thursday, March 29, 2007 ::
Planning to some home reno this weekend
Today I was busy doing some stuffs at work and also checking up on updates on certain Microsoft softwares. Than also went into the blogger and read some blogs.Came across of a couple of blogs too. Saw my ex gal fren's photos also. She's beautiful and it seems that she must have gone on a diet. She went to someone's chalet with her best fren.Anyway I have no grudges of hatred or anger towards her and her fren,certain things in the past if I wanted to do it,I could have got it done but I did not.Maybe cuz I felt sorry.Overall whatever happened between us was something she will never come to understand nor will she ever know.The truth was it happened and it ended and things were safe.Well I did thought about giving her a call or sending her an email at times but many times I did not.Moreover I know her new number which she thinks I might not have it since she change it but I did not call her.
Looking back over the year so back, I realized that certain things could have been dealt with...moreover I also remember how I became drunk and made a fool of myself at No.5.I think if things did not end that way,me and her would be together.I kinda like her mum and her younger sis. Her best fren was also understanding in a way that certain things could be communicated to her best fren.Ah well,nothing bothers me now...I just take things as it comes......nowadays have been spending time talking to someone on msn and she really seems to be very interesting in every way. Understanding, loving, caring and many more....there are no words to describe her.....this coming weekend is gonna be a reno work...haha....so fast I change topic......thinking of repainting the room and also redecorating it a little bit.....i need to put some effort in certain things as I need to get it done as soon as possible and yes next week will be my appointment with the dentist after so long....these few months I will be going to the dentist quite often to get my teeth done.I guess I will be spending close to about 2500 for a perfect set of teeth with the polishing and surgery to come.
Ok now that Rajan is away back to India to visit his parents for 2weeks, Munesh from Republic Poly is here to help out.Also Anthony will be leaving on April 13 and as for me I extended my contract till end of this year.Hope things will turn out well too.Planning to slowly do something important in starting up some kind of website where people could buy stuffs.....will end here for now and be back maybe later if I have the time.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Thursday, March 29, 2007 ::
28 March, 2007
Sorry's not enough
WASHINGTON - Washington yesterday urged Tokyo to take responsibility for its role in sex slavery during World War II, after Japan's Premier Shinzo Abe apologized again for prior comments about the so-called "comfort women."
"We appreciate that the apology was made.It is a step forward,"said Mr Tom Casey,the US State Department's deputy spokesman."But I think this is a very difficult issue and we certainly would want to see the Japanese continue to address this and to deal with it in a forthright and responsible manner that acknowledges the gravity of the crimes that were committed."
Earlier this month,Mr Abe triggered an uproar when he said that there was no evidence Japan directly coerced comfort women.He later elaborated by saying he was talking of coercion in the "strict" sense, such as kidnapping women.But when questioned in Parliament by a leftist lawmaker on whether he was apologizing,Mr Abe said he was.
"I am apologizing now as a Prime Minister,"he said.Observers say his apology still does not address the Japanese government's role in the issue but see this as a change of stance as Mr Abe has long maintained that there was no need for a fresh statement.The issue of Japan's wartime aggression is surfacing at a time when domestic support for Mr Abe's government is plummeting.
Most analysts,however,agree that the declining level of support has less to do with the wartime issue than with the numerous scandals and gaffes committed by his aides.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 ::
Aspirin reduces women's risk of dying from any cause: Study
Boston - Women who take aspirin in low and moderate doses reduce their risk in dying from any cause, particularly in heart disease, study concluded. Women in the study who took one to 14 aspirin a week reduced their risk of dying from heart disease by 38% and by 25% from all causes.
The research conducted by the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, was published yesterday in the Archives of Internal Medicine.The findings contradict previous research concluding that aspirin did not prevent heart disease. Mr John Baron, a doctor of Dalmouth Medical School, wrote an editorial in the journal.
Doctors in this study suggest aspirin may be beneficial as a preventive measure by protecting against the inflammation, high blood glucose levels and damage to cells from oxygen exposure. Dr Andrew T Chan, lead author of the current study, said in a statement that aspirin's overall benefits were confined to those who took no more than moderate doses and for those with more cardiac risk factors.Its benefits also increased with age but Dr Chan said the results does not suggest that all women should take aspirin.
"These data support a need for a continued investigation of the use of aspirin for chronic disease prevention,"said the study authors, who use 24years of data from 79,439 nurses enrolled in the Nurses Health Study.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 ::
Malaysia to brand Johor durian for global market.
The King of Fruit will be given a brand name to reach out to the international market. Malaysia wants to raise the profile of the tasty durians sold in Segamat in Johor so that it has as much recognition as the Sunkist brand for oranges, the New Straits Times paper reported.
The Federal Agriculture and Marketing Authority (Fama) yesterday asked local farmers to tap on the durian's potential and emulate the success of Sunkist by giving the Segamat durian a brand name. Fama's director, Mr Ahmad Ishak, said: "The Johor brand name is well known locally and overseas.
"Since the Segamat durian is famous, we shall tap on its popularity by giving it a name, probably based on its place of origin."
So far, Malaysian-produced fruit like bananas,starfruit and mangoes have brand names that are recognized locally, the newspaper reported. Mr Ahmad said Fama would study the processes involved in giving the Segamat durian a brand name.
He said that one of the areas that need to be looked into was the need to ensure that only durians from Segamat would carry the brand name. Durian farmer Ahmad Harun felt the proposed branding exercise was a good move.
"Our durian is sought after in Singapore. Fruit sellers even tag our durian with the name of our village,"he said.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 ::
27 March, 2007
The City of Rio de Janeiro
The city of Rio is splendid and it is nice to have a holiday there. The view over there is so spectacular and you could be immense in the beauty of the surroundings. I intend to take a trip there to see how the place is like and I know that I need to change flights to get there. Let me tell you more about this city.
Rio de Janeiro, was discovered on January (Janeiro) 1, 1502 by Portuguese navigators who mistook the entrance of Guanabara Bay for the mouth of a river (Rio). Sixty years later because French traders in search of pau-brasil (Brazilwood) were routinely "visiting" the area the Portuguese crown established the city of Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro. After 2 years of bloody conflict the French were expelled and settlers began to cultivate the surrounding fertile lands. In the beginning of the 18th century the city's importance and population increased immensely as it became the main shipping port for gold and diamonds that came from Minas Gerais. In 1763 the colonial capital of Brazil was transfered from Salvador, Bahia to Rio. In 1808, as Napoleon's armies began the invasion of Portugal, the decision was made to transfer the monarch and his court to Rio de Janeiro, where he would remain until 1821. During this time Brasil was elevated in status from a colony to United Kingdom with Portugal. With the advent of Independence Rio became the capital of the new empire. The city prospered economically, and by 1891 it had a population of over 500,000 inhabitants ranking it one of the largest cities in the world. As the city grew in prominence mountains were removed, bay water reclaimed, and skyscrapers constructed.
With the inauguration of Brasilia in 1960, Rio de Janeiro ceased to be Brazil's capital. Even today discussion is rife concerning whether Rio was improved or hurt by the transfer of the government. In any event, this second largest city in Brazil is still a major cultural capital and, to some extent, its "emotional" capital as well. Rio de Janeiro has a majestic beauty, with built-up areas nestled between a magnificent bay and dazzling beaches on one side and an abruptly rising mountain range, covered by a luxuriant tropical forest, on the other. This unique landscape makes Rio one of the most beautiful cities in the world, justifying its title of "Marvelous City" (Cidade Maravilhosa). Rio's cultural life is intense and varied. Perhaps at no time is the city's festive reputation better displayed than during the annual carnival which enlivens the city for 3 solid days with music, singing, parties, balls, and desfiles (street parades of brilliantly-costumed dancers performing the samba.) Economically it is a service industry center, a key financial center, and the producer of foodstuffs, building materials, electrical equipment, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, beverages, and textiles. But it is in the pursuit of leisure that Rio is outstanding. With its world famous beaches free to all (such as Copacabana and Ipanema), its splendid bay, one of the loveliest in the world, and its wonderful climate, a blend of summer and springtime, Rio de Janeiro is a city that lives in and for the sun. Its population is around 5,750,000 inhabitants.
Pictures of the Old Rio:
Former National Assembly
Teatro Municipal (Replica of Paris Opera House)

Ferry Building (Rio-Niteroi)
Jardim Botanico - Avenue of Palms radiating from Famous Fountain

Botanical Gardens - Greek Temple in the Alameda of Palms

Ornate Buildings

Posted by THE SAINT ::
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 ::
14 March, 2007
Plans to revamp the blogs.
I have been pondering alot these couple of days. well and I have decided to recreate my blog in the next 2months to give world news coverage to what is happening all around the world. Even be it the slightest incident. I would appreciate it if people out there would send in details of incidents that has happened. I try to make it short so that you will get the feel of knowing the things that have happened around the world.
As for the events of my life and the things that have been happening lately, I have decided not to blog much on them anymore as I feel there is a need to privacy and not letting others know what you have been doing. Privacy kept to the minimum is still the best defense.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 ::
07 March, 2007
Changes in the week
Dimas was on mc on monday n I was with Irwan manning the IT lines. Irwan is a very funny person. When he talks to someone he seem to have this tone of voice that makes him look as if is a teenager always arguing with someone. Well he is so funny in many ways. Many his split personality is helping him out in different scenarios.
Things have change alot in this place where I work n I have already tone myself down to the extend of not talking too much or being so nice at times. I just feel that whatever you put in this company does not pay off.This is one lesson that I have learn so far working here.
David is back here for holidays and will be staying with us till the 15th of March.And on top of that I will be getting a new tenant who is a Filipino and he will be moving in here about the 16th.His gf is a chinese singaporean, who stays in Serangoon.
Ok.....Ken n Claus has also moved in to their new apartment and they will be throwing a party this coming saturday and I have to be the House DJ for the event. sheesh not again. but hell yeah I like it. More drinks for the nite.hehe. So all of us could get drunk.hehe.Will be driving also.Last week spend the time driving my mum n aunt out all around. Could not believe that they wanted me to bring them to a pub.So I brought them to No.5, it was quiet there but alright. Came home about 1am as I had to send me mum n aunt to simei as my mum wants to stay with me aunt for the nite. Came back and took a good rest.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Wednesday, March 07, 2007 ::