03 May, 2006
The Real Name of the Son of God
I got this information after reading it somewhere in some forum, I am a born-catholic but after reading tis I have to explore the horizons to quest my taste for more knowledge.So here is what I have found out more.Read on:
Many who love and follow Christ will be surprised to learn that the name God gave His Son is not Jesus. The bible when through a Jewish filter early on by the gentiles who translated it. Many very important people in the bible were given more gentile sounding names. Take Lazarus, his hebrew name, the name his parents gave him, was "Eleazar."
LAZ'ARUS (laz'a-rus; abridged form of Heb. "Eleazar").
(From The New Unger's Bible Dictionary. Originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (c) 1988.)
How about Peter, now that is a gentile name for sure, but Christ named him "petros" not Peter.
PE'TER (pe'ter; Grk. petros, "a rock").
(From The New Unger's Bible Dictionary. Originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (c) 1988.)
The Son of God was given a Hebrew name, as He was Hebrew, Yeshua. He was never called Jesus during His time in the flesh on earth.
JESUS: -(1) "Jesus" (Iesous) is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew "Joshua" (yehoshua`)
(from International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Electronic Database Copyright (c)1996 by Biblesoft)
Here is how Yeshua became Jesus. During the times of the new testament, Israel was under Roman occupation. As Rome grew and took over much of the world in the footsteps of the Greeks, they conquered lands the Greeks had controlled for many years. Most people of these lands learned Greek and many of the Roman soldiers couldn't speak Latin, but Greek. The three major languages of Israel in the NT were Hebrew, Latin and Greek. That's why the sign placed over the cross was in these three languages. Some incorrectly think Aramaic was also a major language.
Luke 23:38
38 And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
Jews would naturally know the Messiah by His Hebrew name, Yeshua, however, those gentiles who spoke Greek had difficulty speaking Hebrew words that started with "Y", they came out sounding like "I." So, Yeshua in Hebrew was pronounced "Iesoua" or "Iesous" in Greek. The Greek word "Iesous" is the word for "fish." This is how and why the Greeks started drawing the symbol of the fish to represent Yeshua!
The Roman Catholic Church would not allow any bible or book to contain even one word of Hebrew, that's why their official OT and much of the NT has remained in Greek all this time. When the RCC translated the Greek name for Yeshua "Iesous" into English, those who spoke English had difficulty pronouncing the Greek words that started with "I", they sounded like "J." So, they took the Greek "Iesous" and pronounced it "Jesus." That's how and why the real name of the Son of God got to be "Jesus."
So, the name of the Son of God "Yeshua" in Hebrew, went to "Iesous" into Greek and then "Jesus" into English. He is known by many, many names, but I find it strange, that even today, many who have loved Him and followed Him don't know His real name. Gentile Christian teaching hasn't come very far in 2000 years when we don't even know His name!
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 ::
In life we go thru many faults and problems, thru it all we encounter some hardships that we have to face.There are those who are willing to forgive n forget,tis sort of breed of human beings are rare to fine. But there are those that will not forget nor forgive n in every aspects they try to condemn the person.
Well I for one am not a politician cuz I realise that being a politician you have to stoop so low that you yaself dun realise it.Its the status, credentials n money that you earn that makes you what you have become when you are in this race in politics. I rather be a patriach as I only believe in the rights of fighting what is right for the country n the people. I dun believe in bringing someone down or ruining their reputation when you have to stand up to prove ya rights for the people. Everyone does make mistakes but we learn from our mistakes.Not only that, sometimes when you sincerely apologize for the mistake that you have made, there would be others who will try to bring you down by bringing up ya past mistakes n make it a big hooha. What do they wanna gain from it? Dun they know what mercy is? All the greatest kings n men n knights that have fought battles in the past centuries have shown mercy n compassion to their enemies at times, take King Arthur for one or even look at the Pontius Pilate in the time of Christ.There are many more in history that have done in a way to show mercy n leniency to others. But.....in this time that we live, there are those who will go all out to scrutinize you till you are in shackles n no where to turn. This sort of people will not be able to lead a country or understand the needs of its people. There are more like vampires sucking out the living daylights outta you. Ask yaself this question. Over the years, as to what we have encountered what was said was left undone, the promises n the the so-called talks never really come to be made for good. But when it is time to be appointed a mayor, candidate or a minister, you see them appearing and making so much promises to you and also to the extend of ruining ya reputation in many ways. I mean I dun understand when you need something than you can be seen,when you dun need something you are hardly around. Have you sit down n thought about what is in the minds of ya fellow countrymen.What are their needs?What are their problems? All these issues seem to be avoided but only dwell in mere talks n seminars.
Sheesh!!!......it all seems that many have been convince by their sweet talks n when it is over the apple becomes rotten. Many who were brought up from the past will tell you the life back than and now. A fren of mine gave me tis website to let me know that there are many others too out there who feel the same, read tis forum n you will know, it is so hilarious :
Now you compare with the one below and see the difference in the issues and let me know whether there is something wrong somewhere.Awaiting ya comments.
And there is also one man who does not do what he says n he was the one that is making a big issue of the present problem which is really not an issue. Let me quote to you the exact words that he said "Don't behave like Chee Soon Juan, if you go in for that sort of thing or that kind of hooligan politics, we will treat you as a hooligan. If you want us to treat you as gentlemen, argue the merits of your policy...then take it to a higher level and we will treat you accordingly and we'll respond accordingly." Channel NewsAsia- Posted: 22 April 2006 2155 hrs
So to what you have read this is what my fren has said but aren't the PAP treating JG as a hooligan too where he made a gentleman apology. You see there are issues where many dont seem to realise, when it is their own boys getting hurt out there in the field, they bring in the most deadliest weapons where they said they will never use. There are also many others out there who will be able to keep track of all the past events of a person's life. As citizens we have the right to know all the issues that are in concern to the welfare of our country. Ok how many of you agree that there are too many foreign talents that are coming in here n ruining the bread n butter of our life. Can anyone of you get a stable job. Why not raise the taxes or work permits to a higher level if companies wanna employ foreigners? How can we as citizens afford to pay our bills, put food on the table for the family or have a meaningful life. Those who left never returned and they made it big somewhere else. So you see sometimes what governs a place or a country must keep up to the words that they have said to get them to where they are. Dun be a pathetic self-centered imbecile and kick others down when others have apologize n have admitted for their wrong doings.It takes a greater courage n dignity to forgive and forget. Only those with the arse up their brains will do the opposite.
Many of you have problems and have voiced out ya problems but has there ever been any help?Maybe out of the 100, only 15 were helped. But the remaining were left to fend for themselves. Where can those people that were left off go?They have to find every means n ways to get money to come in to support themselves to survive. So pple ask yaself this question.Do you want someone who condemns others to govern the country or have someone who shows mercy n forgiveness to govern it.You decide wisely or it will end up being more like the Manchurian history when Gengkis Khan ruled. Will update more with other issues concerning more to this events. So dun make a mistake the time has come for changes to take into effect. If you want ya freedom of speech, ya racial justice, ya integrity n ya democracy, fight for what you think is right that comes straight from ya heart but not from ya head.Cheers pple.God bless n God Speed.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 ::