This blog is meant for my own discretion and it is here not to intimidate anyone or whatever so ever.This is my own opinion on how I feel on things.On top of that I will host images,jokes,movies n many more.Feel free to give me ya comments on the issues of the events.So enjoy and have a fun time reading it.
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About Me
Name::THE SAINT From::Singapore, Singapore
Straight forward,down to earth,patient,tolerant,loves to smile a lot,loves to indulge in interesting conversations, adventurous. View my complete profile
14 March, 2006
I learn something from my Russian colleague
In my workplace there are different people from different continents n there is this Russian colleague of mine whom I learn something new n to be frank it is true. "Stupidity is a virtue for fools who never learn from their mistakes."
Well me n my russian colleague do get along well and sometimes we talk about topics that are happening both in our countries n he too tells me that he does not wish to stay here too long as alot of things are forbidden.
I do agree with him. Some of the people here I too myself encounter at times are pretty childish in certain issues and apparently due to the upbringing. Well it does not matter to me as long as I dont go looking for trouble,I let trouble come looking for me n than only will trouble know when my anger explodes if trouble creates a problem they surely will regret it.
Well my lunch with my colleagues were great.Tonight we will be going to join Kasha at her party where there will be more pple coming.Haha.......Anyway its something I have not done a long time and my frens tell me its ladies nite.Well me have no interest in all that now after going thru some rough relationships.I think the worst relationship I had was the one last year with Krystaller Jing Jing who is a Nafa the amount of lies n stories she can come up with,you can write a book.So many pple who knew her,knew the crap she is full of.I did not listen to my frens advise and went ahead with her. Now I realise,how good she is convincing others.Well those idiots that believe her is to their own benefit as far as it does not concern me......and if she does create anymore problems for me....than pray to god she dont meet her worst nightmare.
Oh shit.......I need to finish up my work now......ok....will pen out now but will continue later in the nite again with photos.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Tuesday, March 14, 2006 ::