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06 March, 2006 Monday the 1st day of the week..........

Got up in the morning,cleaned up the room n later took my mum to the clinic again as she is having a bad cough,fever n pains in her mucsles. After that went to pay my HDB conservancy charges with after the rebate was S$24.50.Came home and surf the internet.Was looking to buy a XD Memory card n a 250GB Hard Disk Drive on Thursday.
About 1.15pm,Sherlyn my ex-colleague called me n asked me to meet her for lunch n I agreed to.We met at WestMall at about 2.45pm at coffee bean.Wow,she look stunning as I have never seen her in a dress before.She asked me where we should go for lunch and I asked her to decide.Both of us had no idea where to have lunch.Than we decided to have lunch at Sakae Sushi. We chatted about her boyfren n she was telling me how much he was controlling her n the nasty things that he said to her in the past n present.Well I told her that is up to her to decide on her relationship with him as it is not up to me to tell her to end the relationship.The choices she make out depends on what she wants to do with her life. She also said that her boyfren plans to get engage with her but I told her that she really has to consider it as to what she has told me about her boyfren,I felt that the relationship she is having does not allow her to make decisions in life as long as she is with him.After our lunch we went to a nearby housing estate and sat there n chatted more about her boyfren.
I feel kinda sad n sorry for the things that is happening in her life but I do not wish to make the decision for her.Instead I gave her some pros n cons of what might happen if the relationship persists to a certain level. She told me that she in a way is afraid of leaving him as her boyfren has a bad past.Well eventually in the end the decision is hers to make and she has to come to the point of understanding it in making that decision whatever it may be.Later about half an hour we went to the library.There I did some checks on some books on oceanagraphy. It is hard to find books on loan on this subject as most of the books are on reference items only.So I read some magazines on cars instead n Sherlyn read on some newspapers. After being in the library for about half an hour,I went over to my hairdresser salon COSLAB and collected a computer system from her husband as they wanted me to do their computer for them as the computer is having some problems.I took the system n headed to the cab stand n took a cab back.Sherlyn stayed behind at WestMall to wait for Yasmin to come as Shuhui did not want to make it to watch a movie with her.Yasmin will be meeting Sherlyn at about 6.30pm.So I proceeded home to do the computer.
Will update more later in the nite before I go to bed.Was trying to forget alot of things lately but it is hard to get it out of my mind.Sheesh!Just look at my photo album on the latest photos taken recently.

Posted by THE SAINT :: Monday, March 06, 2006 ::