MySpace Music Playlist at

26 March, 2006 Home n did some stuffs

Well after work I came home and did some stuffs,my nephew came over to pay a visit with the maid,so did my younger brother. Now he could converse a little in chinese n english......too some photos with him.He was quite happy to take some photos.

Later I went into my room and did some mixing of music recording and wanted to save a copy and see how things go. Than I had a call from Farrah's brother who asked me to help me to sell away a Dell computer and I send a couple of sms to some frens seeing whether any one of them who might be interested in the system.

I came across a couple of sites like Wayn's contact which is similar to seems that people just wanna make frens only if only the guy or the gal is good looking.....strange to have pple like that around.Anyway I could not bother much....sometimes when you become rich n famous...everyone wants to be your fren......its like as if we wanna be bothered with those who in the beginning could not bother about knowing you in the first place.Shucks!!!Man what's the point in having websites like this when there is nothing that really could make frenship rather than just being popular by having the number of frens.

Watched some movies in the nite n also talked to a fren introduce by Kasha to me.Chatted only for like 15mins or so....than carry on watching my movies....Felt sleepy about 3am in the morning...need to turn in early to bed now as there are many things that I would like to do tomorrow.Good nite pple.

Posted by THE SAINT :: Sunday, March 26, 2006 ::