This blog is meant for my own discretion and it is here not to intimidate anyone or whatever so ever.This is my own opinion on how I feel on things.On top of that I will host images,jokes,movies n many more.Feel free to give me ya comments on the issues of the events.So enjoy and have a fun time reading it.
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Name::THE SAINT From::Singapore, Singapore
Straight forward,down to earth,patient,tolerant,loves to smile a lot,loves to indulge in interesting conversations, adventurous. View my complete profile
My brother has just sold his home and had gotten more the 20 grand. God knows what the hell he is doing with the money. He seems to be proud of it. At the same time he did not even bother to give mum a single cent. As for me I could not be bother about it as long as he does not step in my territorial mains.
Money is not an option for me as I could get by with what I have and least expects anything from anyone. So now that he has sold his home, he is staying with us. But my mum would want to see how long it is gonna be. She hates his attitude but I told her to give me some time before I make the necessary arrangements.
I am thinking of getting a flat so my mum could rent this flat out at 1800 a month, which would be great for sometime. I have been looking around lately for flats on sale and will be going to the HDB to get one done up soon.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Sunday, June 21, 2009 ::