This blog is meant for my own discretion and it is here not to intimidate anyone or whatever so ever.This is my own opinion on how I feel on things.On top of that I will host images,jokes,movies n many more.Feel free to give me ya comments on the issues of the events.So enjoy and have a fun time reading it.
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About Me
Name::THE SAINT From::Singapore, Singapore
Straight forward,down to earth,patient,tolerant,loves to smile a lot,loves to indulge in interesting conversations, adventurous. View my complete profile
After yesterday's meeting,I came to work with MILITARY MODE activated.From now on things are gonna be different.If anyone wants us to do anything they have to talk to our higher level to pass the matter down to us.And from now on if things are said I will also email and cc the email to the various parties in concerned relating the spoken conversations.So from now on English will be a powerful vocabulary if you do not use it wisely.There is no IFs, MAYBEs, I THINK SO, I THOUGHT, I PRESUME.Its either a YES or a NO.In the past many of my friends have asked me to be a lawyer as I could always quote what the other party always said.There is no modifications done on the sentences but the word itself that was heard.My English at times could be really deep to understand,only my foreign friends could understand it better,or close friends who know me.Throughout the day,I handled a couple of cases smoothly and some managers have spoken to me and I suggested to them to send an email to our department and cc a copy to their department heads as to make sure that we are doing the right thing and someone somewhere has to be answerable for the actions that are not taken to rectify the much delayed work that is needed to be done.Dimas also went home early and as for me,I went out with the guys from the 2nd flr who are my closest frens now and I trust them the way they trust me.We went to Bugis for dinner and had some talks and laughs, after which we walked towards Sim Lim and took separate cabs back home.Came back home,had a cold shower for 15mins and waited for a guy to come and collect the SATA harddisk that he wanted to get from me.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 ::