This blog is meant for my own discretion and it is here not to intimidate anyone or whatever so ever.This is my own opinion on how I feel on things.On top of that I will host images,jokes,movies n many more.Feel free to give me ya comments on the issues of the events.So enjoy and have a fun time reading it.
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Name::THE SAINT From::Singapore, Singapore
Straight forward,down to earth,patient,tolerant,loves to smile a lot,loves to indulge in interesting conversations, adventurous. View my complete profile
Well Monday seems to be a hot day as I tried to sleep but could not sleep,the time I fell asleep was coming close to 4 in the morning.Got up at about 0615hrs and was tired.Had a cold shower and took a train to work.Many things were on my mind.Came to work had some problems in the morning due to the change in the new EWAnet kerridge ids.It affected a lot of workshop guys in Mercedez Benz Center, Pandan Gardens, Pandan Loop and many more other places.But things was better somewhere close to the late morning and I had to let Dimas know about it.Also informed the rest of my team members.Next we also had the storage problems in the network as users could not store all their important datas on the network drive. Later in the afternoon, our team reminded each other of the meeting that was to be held at 1900hrs on the 3rd flr meeting room.I had to rush to Sim Lim to get my new 19" Wide Screen LCD monitor.Was happy that I manage to get it and than had to rush back to Alexandra for the meeting.Was really tired.During the meeting a lot of things were said and there were so many things that we found out. I regretted signing the contract till end of the year again.Now it seems that we are given more shit to do.We are doing more of others job rather than what we are supposed to do.I am not happy with anything now.The best part is that we will be moving into a room that is gonna be glassed enforce and they could see the things that we do.Now I realized that the line has been drawn way above the border and this has gone far beyond the limits.If our team start resigning than I think this company is gonna be in a lot of shit.I also heard from some of the departments that some of the staffs are resigning or quitting due to the pressure.First and foremost,the incidents that happened here had made me realized that this is the only IT department that stabs people from behind.WELL SINCE THEY ARE BEHIND STABBING US AT THE SAME TIME THEY CAN TAKE THEIR TIME BY KISSING OUR ASSES.I am really frustrated how someone of such position could manipulate the exact words that was spoken.THIS IS A GOOD EXAMPLE OF A REAL LIFE IMBECILE OF HIGHER AUTHORITY.By the time the meeting ended it was close to 2200hrs and none of us had taken our dinner.Me,Dimas,Rajan n Irwan walked out together while Aref and Patrick went back together.Ma n Irwan took a cab and I drop Irwan at Bt.Gombak MRT while I proceeded to my block.Came back,set up the monitor and than went to have a cold shower since it has been a hot day for me.Ok....the story shall continue.........
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 ::