This blog is meant for my own discretion and it is here not to intimidate anyone or whatever so ever.This is my own opinion on how I feel on things.On top of that I will host images,jokes,movies n many more.Feel free to give me ya comments on the issues of the events.So enjoy and have a fun time reading it.
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About Me
Name::THE SAINT From::Singapore, Singapore
Straight forward,down to earth,patient,tolerant,loves to smile a lot,loves to indulge in interesting conversations, adventurous. View my complete profile
This week in the office,Syed went for his police reservist in-camp training.There was some spring cleaning in the office that needed to be done, so I began clearing n arranging the cupboards.I sorted the items out in place. It was really a busy week for me and the guys.
Philip also wanted me to buy for him the Elsa graphics card as the creative sound card was not available.Well the card cost S$278.00 n he owes me S$40.But it is ok, I will collect from him much later when he has the money to pay.He has been asking me for some help on some computer items and I know that I can get it cheap.
The week went by smoothly with me doing alot of things n also it was nice to know that Sue from Mercedez Benz centre sent me a box of chocolates to thank me for the help that I have given her.It was so sweet of her.Now that the week has come to an end, I am glad that all the things in the office is well done though there are some more things to be done.
Met Ken n Claus, as Ken has booked the tickets for the movie The Da Vinci Code. Met ken at Boat Quay as we went to have a drink,than claus joined us later. We walked over to Clarke Quay as we wanted to head down to HOOTERS to check things out n also Claus wanted to have dinner. After dinner we took a bus from Victoria Street to Bugis to catch our show, me n Ken bought 2 Big Macs n 2 Double Cheeseburgers to eat during the show.The movie was interesting n it lasted almost 2 n half hours. Than after that we went home.Claus n Ken headed their way while I headed to the bus stop to take a bus home. Reached home n was really tired. Anyway I will be leaving for Malacca for sky diving as my fren will pick me up at 4.30am in the morning.Will be back in the afternoon as I only have to give 3 lessons today on Static Line n Accelerated Freefall. Do not intend to bring my cellphone along later.Moreover I did not apply for Autoroaming. Ok that is all for today.
Posted by THE SAINT ::
Sunday, May 21, 2006 ::