This blog is meant for my own discretion and it is here not to intimidate anyone or whatever so ever.This is my own opinion on how I feel on things.On top of that I will host images,jokes,movies n many more.Feel free to give me ya comments on the issues of the events.So enjoy and have a fun time reading it.
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About Me
Name::THE SAINT From::Singapore, Singapore
Straight forward,down to earth,patient,tolerant,loves to smile a lot,loves to indulge in interesting conversations, adventurous. View my complete profile
This past few weeks there were so many incidents that took place and there are alot of things that I would like to write. For starters I bought 2 new laptops, one for me and one for my mum that cost about S$2,499 and S$1,905 respectively. Also called my good friend Perlin to come over to teach my mum how to use the computer. Perlin is really a nice friend and she understands certain things about me and I feel comfortable talking to her about alot of things. Her boyfriend is having his exams right now. Moreover she stays close to my place. She used to be in Cycle & Carriage in Mercedez Benz Center.
Next, last week there was a fire on board the vessel I was looking after. It took at least 5 hours to put the fire out. No one was injured but the vessel was badly damaged. Now there is no electricity nor aircon in any of the decks. It is so hot in the vessel like a microwave oven. Most of the time my duty is at night till the next morning on the vessel with 2-3 other guys.
Recently, one of my colleagues wrote a letter to our director stating that certain things are not followed and action was taken. My officers got scolded. My colleague is now hated by everyone in the team. Now the officers have marked him. There is also this gal who works in the time office and sometimes if I happen to be on duty, she would walk pass me and smile. Just recently, she said hello to me but I did not say anything. Most of the workers at the place are afraid of me eversince I started taking down names of those who have not been displaying the proper passes. I am shocked to learn from all my other colleagues that within 3 days, all the workers even those in the office start displaying them after I have made some changes in my workplace. Most of the time I am on board a vessel. It is nice to be on board a big ship and see the things around you. As for the chinese gal, I presume she is about 27-29years old and some of my colleagues have notice that she has taken an interest in me but like I said before that I cant be as friendly as how I use to be. My adaptation to the military style has change me alot.
Also lately I have been bringing home some expensive juices from the vessel that was given away. Each bottle cost about S$16.95 and you can only find it in Cold Storage.All of it are pure juices like Orange,Mango,Apple, Tomato, Blackcurrent. My aunt who came over for a visit says that we are living like a rich family with all the expensive food in the fridge. Haha.....I never told her that I got them. Each day I get 2 bottles each at 2.4litres. I told Perlin that I would give her some bottles. Also now there is a small fridge in my room fill with 100plus mostly and other drinks. I also bring home Macademia with caramel ice-creams that cost about S$19.95 per tub and you can get them from Cold Storage. Every day the fridge is fill with things. I need to get a bigger fridge.lmao.......
Ok, today as we were about to finish our duty something strange happened to one of my colleague. Some may not want to believe it but after looking at the injuries that he has received, I do believe him. It seems that about 0505hrs, he was push almost overboard the ship but thank GOD that there was a railing to sustain his fall.And the person that pushed him turns out to be a GHOST. I looked at his shirt that was stained and he sustain injuries, what I heard from the guardhouse was that he walked there and he lost a shoe, his shirt was messy and moreover they thought he was drunk by the way he walked. After realizing what had happened, safety and me decided to state a report and let those know who are working on board the vessel not to be alone. I too get this feeling at times that someone is watching me when I am alone. Our officer in command decided to write a statement and inform the director of what has happened. Thank GOD my colleague is still alive as for someone to fall off the ship at that height,he would not have survived. Take a look at the pictures below recently of all the things that I have taken: