MySpace Music Playlist at

15 December, 2006 Sigh! Phew! Argh! What more could I say

I had severe chest pains and a sprained left neck. Was at home on tuesday resting after getting 2days of mc from the doctor. I learnt something from the doctor,if you have a aching head on ya right,put ya fist on the left side of the jaw and push ya head towards ya fist. You will feel a tension of pain in the right side of ya head but it will subside after a few seconds. At home, I did up my computer and some other stuffs. In the evening, THEPHONE (that's the name of the china guy I met who tell me to call me as in chinese is also pronounce that way) called me and ask me to call the guys out as he wanted to treat all of us to dinner as we had handed him our D&D lucky draw tickets a month back and headed home early,he eventually won a prize and it was a cooking pot. We went down to cineleisure to have our dinner, after which we proceeded to No.5 to have a drink, the pain in my head was really unbearable. We stayed till about 9pm and we decided to head back so we took a route that lead us to Music Underground to check out the place and found out that the disco was close but only open from Thurs to Sats while the bar is always on. I went to pick Wendy up and we headed home from there.
Wednesday was also so boring, was home and the pain was really totally unbearable. Did some deco on the Xmas tree and also downloaded some movies from the internet. Was tired. So went to sleep almost the whole day. Wendy was on mc as she was having extreme high fever and also got 2days from the poly clinic. She stayed home resting for the next 2days. Much later in the nite I watched the movie Gridiron Gang, starring the ROCK. Nice show of about some misfits.
Slept late in the nite as I had a hard time falling asleep.
Got up at 0615hrs in the morning, need to be in work early in the day as the last 2days Dimas was here earlier. Had a busy day the whole day on Wednesday.Too many calls were coming in. I heard that on wednesday they ITS broke the phone record of having more that 350 calls, the reason due to server giving some problems....wahahah....lucky me not there...Phew. Came home in the evening and watch some movies like James Bond and Deja Vu. Both were really nice, went to bed about 2am in the morning. And now in the office in the morning and it seems to be very busy. So many things happen all of a sudden. What a hell of a week for everything.

Posted by THE SAINT :: Friday, December 15, 2006 ::