MySpace Music Playlist at

03 October, 2006 WHAT A WEEK

Monday was a hectic day at work, there was so many calls that come in that was too many for me and Dimas to handle but we still manage. Many had problems logging in to kerridge. Moreover Derric was attach to me and I had to tell him more about what we do here in C&C. He is married and is the same age as me. Could get along well with him. The day was really tiring, came back home, had me dinner and watch a movie. It was a nice show. Slept pretty early somewhere close to 10.30pm

Well today is another day for me. There were calls still regards to kerridge as users could not log in to kerridge to account exceeded the limit and had to tell them to try to log in again in a couple of mins later as the license is limited. So they have to wait till someone logs off before they could log in. Dimas left the office at about 1600hrs as he had to rush back as his cousin has just passed away. Derric also was attach to me today. Things are little busy in the morning but now it has quiten down, as I look across me I could that the accounts girls have some gathering and they are chit-chatting away while eating....hmmmm,that is always the case when there is food or some topics that they could talk. It at times could be like a wet market here, so noisy....haha....well ok I think I better get back to my other work.Update soon again.

Posted by THE SAINT :: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 ::