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23 August, 2006 A long week of rest

It has been a long week of rest for me, last week I had problems sleeping due to a pain in my abdomen.In the morning when I went to see the doctor,I hardly could walk. He than issue me with a letter to go to NUH for a checkup. The queue at NUH was long. Waited almost more than 4hrs for everything to be done. They took my blood test and urine samples. Later the jr. doctor came and told me that they would like to admit me as my white blood cells are high.She said that they suspect that I might have appendicitis. But I did not want to get admitted and she made me sign the At Your Own Risk Form aka AO. She also ask the senior consultant to talk to me,the senior consultant told me if the pain gets serious, I should immediately come back to the hospital to have a surgery done. She said that this could lead to a life and death situation if I did not turn up.

When back to work the next day, but there was still some slight pain. Later the next day went to see a doctor and the doctor gave me 1 week of medical leave. So this past few days was pretty boring for me. Anyway I also got another part time job as a bartender, as I wanted to learn somethings about mixing drinks as I want to open up a bar in the near future.So its time I follow my dreams.

Moreover nowadays I seem to go back to who I am as I really like the way I was. I never cared about anyone's opinion nor did I give a rat's ass what they think.Those who has the habit to judge has a even worse off life than anyone else. Man some people expect too much. Not only that, I dont owe anyone a living and if they dont like than that is their god forsaking fault. Sometimes you see people go to churches or mosques or temples to pray...pray for wat?Ask god for wat?Ask for forgiveness?Tell him that they will be good n holy? hell with it...when every single have a problem with yourself and you act as you are so cool and you are innocent. Mistake made once and twice could be forgiven but if it is made over and over again, than I think that person have to be really retarded to not understand. Things have change over the last few days and I myself have realise what my dad once used to say to me.Those memories have taught me people like this are not worth having around. Now I keep alot of things to myself. Work is work and personel matters are personel matters, both shall not collide with each other. And it is none of anybody's business to ask others about their personel life.

Also I have come to learn alot more things that I have not put into effect yet. By law, anything that is stated in black n white in no matter where you work you go by it. If you are require to do Overtime work make sure that there is pay or some kind of written letter to show that you have done the overtime work, if not when things get messy than your employers will throw the book at you. Nobody works for free unless you are a volunteer. And nobody wants to get paid low and do alot of shit. So be very precautious when you work and take in mind the things that you have to do and dont. I myself will not work for free unless I m being paid. Only for a true fren will I work for free to help out. True friends are the ones that understand you the most and they themselves will put a hand in to help out when you are down and out. But also remember this they are frens who are just frens and they are frens who will really go all the way out to help you when you are in need. So weigh your frens closely. Dont do things to please others, do things to please yourself as long as it is the right thing to do. Over the last few months I have seen the kind of people there are and majority are full of shit as it is only talk but no action, action speaks louder than words so if you dont do it than dont bullshit. That goes to everyone that has cross my path and I dont give a damn what your opinion is when you yourself have too many problems that you yourself cant handle.GET A LIFE!!!

Tomorrow I will be back at work, so now everyone will get the chance to see the true no matter who it may be if you cant take the honest truth than you cant take anything at all. Why should I stoop as low as you when you are already at the bottom. I am happy that certain things are going as plan as I want them to be. "To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved."

Posted by THE SAINT :: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 ::